conkit.command_line.conkit_validate module

This script provides a model validation pipeline. It will take a sequence, a predicted distogram and a PDB model, then compare the distances observed in the model and those predicted. It will then report regions in the model where an outlier was detected, and use map_align to provide a solution for potential register errors.

It uses one external program to perform this task:

map_align for contact map alignment

* This program needs to be installed separately from*


Check if a given path exists

Parameters:input_path (str, None) – Location of the file to be tested
Returns:abspath – The absolute path of the file if it exists, None if the input is None
Return type:str, None
Raises:FileNotFoundError – The file doesn’t exist

Create a parser for the command line arguments used in conkit-validate


The main routine for conkit-validate functionality