Source code for conkit.plot.ContactMapPlot

A module to produce a contact map plot

from __future__ import division

__author__ = "Felix Simkovic"
__date__ = "07 Feb 2017"
__version__ = "0.1"

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from conkit.core import _Gap
from conkit.plot._Figure import Figure
from conkit.plot._plottools import ColorDefinitions

[docs]class ContactMapFigure(Figure): """A Figure object specifically for a Contact Map This figure will illustrate the contacts in a contact map. This plot is a very common representation of contacts. With this figure, you can illustrate either your contact map by itself, compared against a second contact map, and/or matched against contacts extracted from a contact map. Attributes ---------- hierarchy : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The default contact map hierarchy other : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The second contact map hierarchy reference : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The reference contact map hierarchy altloc : bool Use the res_altloc positions [default: False] use_conf : bool The marker size will correspond to the raw score [default: False] Examples -------- >>> import conkit >>> cmap ='toxd/toxd.mat', 'ccmpred').top_map >>> conkit.plot.ContactMapFigure(cmap) """ def __init__(self, hierarchy, other=None, reference=None, altloc=False, use_conf=False, **kwargs): """A new contact map plot Parameters ---------- hierarchy : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The default contact map hierarchy other : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>`, optional The second contact map hierarchy reference : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>`, optional The reference contact map hierarchy altloc : bool, optional Use the res_altloc positions [default: False] use_conf : bool, optional The marker size will correspond to the raw score [default: False] **kwargs General :obj:`Figure <conkit.plot._Figure.Figure>` keyword arguments """ super(ContactMapFigure, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._hierarchy = None self._other = None self._reference = None self.altloc = altloc self.use_conf = use_conf self.hierarchy = hierarchy self.other = other self.reference = reference self._draw() def __repr__(self): return "{0}(file_name=\"{1}\")".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.file_name ) @property def hierarchy(self): """The default contact map hierarchy""" return self._hierarchy @hierarchy.setter def hierarchy(self, hierarchy): """Define the default contact map hierarchy""" if hierarchy: Figure._check_hierarchy(hierarchy, "ContactMap") self._hierarchy = hierarchy @property def other(self): """The second contact map hierarchy""" return self._other @other.setter def other(self, hierarchy): """Define the default contact map hierarchy""" if hierarchy: Figure._check_hierarchy(hierarchy, "ContactMap") self._other = hierarchy @property def reference(self): """The reference contact map hierarchy""" return self._reference @reference.setter def reference(self, hierarchy): """Define the reference contact map hierarchy""" if hierarchy: Figure._check_hierarchy(hierarchy, "ContactMap") self._reference = hierarchy
[docs] def redraw(self): """Re-draw the plot with updated parameters""" self._draw()
def _draw(self): """Draw the actual plot""" fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Plot the other_ref contacts if self._reference: if self.altloc: reference_data = np.asarray([(c.res1_altseq, c.res2_altseq) for c in self._reference]) else: reference_data = np.asarray([(c.res1_seq, c.res2_seq) for c in self._reference]) reference_colors = [ColorDefinitions.STRUCTURAL for _ in range(len(reference_data))] ax.scatter(reference_data[:, 0], reference_data[:, 1], color=reference_colors, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='none', linewidths=0.0) ax.scatter(reference_data[:, 1], reference_data[:, 0], color=reference_colors, s=10, marker='o', edgecolor='none', linewidths=0.0) # Plot the self contacts self_data = np.asarray([(c.res1_seq, c.res2_seq, c.raw_score) for c in self._hierarchy if not (c.res1_seq == _Gap._IDENTIFIER or c.res2_seq == _Gap._IDENTIFIER)]) self_colors = ContactMapFigure._determine_color(self._hierarchy) if self.use_conf: # ptp is (max - min) self_sizes = (self_data[:, 2] - self_data[:, 2].min()) / self_data[:, 2].ptp() self_sizes = self_sizes * 20 + 10 else: self_sizes = [10] * len(self_data[:, 2]) # This is the bottom triangle ax.scatter(self_data[:, 1], self_data[:, 0], color=self_colors, marker='o', s=self_sizes, edgecolor='none', linewidths=0.0) # Plot the other contacts if self._other: other_data = np.asarray([(c.res1_seq, c.res2_seq, c.raw_score) for c in self._other if not (c.res1_seq == _Gap._IDENTIFIER or c.res2_seq == _Gap._IDENTIFIER)]) other_colors = ContactMapFigure._determine_color(self._other) if self.use_conf: # ptp is (max - min) other_sizes = (other_data[:, 2] - other_data[:, 2].min()) / other_data[:, 2].ptp() other_sizes = other_sizes * 20 + 10 else: other_sizes = [10] * len(other_data[:, 2]) # This is the upper triangle ax.scatter(other_data[:, 0], other_data[:, 1], color=other_colors, marker='o', s=other_sizes, edgecolor='none', linewidths=0.0) else: # This is the upper triangle ax.scatter(self_data[:, 0], self_data[:, 1], color=self_colors, marker='o', s=self_sizes, edgecolor='none', linewidths=0.0) # Allow dynamic x and y limits min_max_data = np.append(self_data[:, 0], self_data[:, 1]) if self._reference: min_max_data = np.append(min_max_data, reference_data[:, 0]) min_max_data = np.append(min_max_data, reference_data[:, 1]) if self._other: min_max_data = np.append(min_max_data, other_data[:, 0]) min_max_data = np.append(min_max_data, other_data[:, 1]) ax.set_xlim(min_max_data.min() - 0.5, min_max_data.max() + 0.5) ax.set_ylim(min_max_data.min() - 0.5, min_max_data.max() + 0.5) # Set the xticks and yticks dynamically gap = int(10 * (min_max_data.max() - min_max_data.min()) / 100) tick_range = np.arange(min_max_data.min(), min_max_data.max(), gap, dtype=np.int64) ax.set_xticks(tick_range) ax.set_yticks(tick_range) # Prettify the plot ax.set_xlabel('Residue number') ax.set_ylabel('Residue number') # Create a custom legend if self._reference: tp_artist = plt.Line2D((0, 1), (0, 0), color=ColorDefinitions.MATCH, marker='o', linestyle='', label='Match') fp_artist = plt.Line2D((0, 1), (0, 0), color=ColorDefinitions.MISMATCH, marker='o', linestyle='', label='Mismatch') rf_artist = plt.Line2D((0, 1), (0, 0), color=ColorDefinitions.STRUCTURAL, marker='o', linestyle='', label='Structural') artists = [tp_artist, fp_artist, rf_artist] else: nt_artist = plt.Line2D((0, 1), (0, 0), color=ColorDefinitions.GENERAL, marker='o', linestyle='', label='Contact') artists = [nt_artist] ax.legend(handles=artists, numpoints=1, fontsize=10, bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, ncol=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.) # Make both axes identical in length and remove whitespace around the plot aspectratio = Figure._correct_aspect(ax, 1.0) ax.set(aspect=aspectratio) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(self.file_name, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=self.dpi) @staticmethod def _determine_color(h): """Determine the color of the contacts in order""" return [ ColorDefinitions.MATCH if contact.is_match else ColorDefinitions.MISMATCH if contact.is_mismatch else ColorDefinitions.GENERAL for contact in h ]