Source code for

Parser module specific to Stockholm sequence files

__author__ = "Felix Simkovic"
__date__ = "09 Sep 2016"
__version__ = "0.1"

from conkit.core import Sequence
from conkit.core import SequenceFile
from import _SequenceFileParser

import os
import re

V_RECORD = re.compile(r'^#(\s+STOCKHOLM.*)$')
GF_RECORD = re.compile(r'^#=GF\s+\S+\s+(.*)$')
GR_RECORD = re.compile(r'^#=GR\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$')
GS_RECORD = re.compile(r'^#=GS\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$')
SEQ_RECORD = re.compile(r'^(\S+)\s+([A-Z0-9~-]+)$')
END_RECORD = re.compile(r'^//$')

[docs]class StockholmParser(_SequenceFileParser): """Parser class for Stockholm sequence files """ def __init__(self): super(StockholmParser, self).__init__()
[docs] def read(self, f_handle, f_id='stockholm'): """Read a sequence file Parameters ---------- f_handle Open file handle [read permissions] f_id : str, optional Unique sequence file identifier Returns ------- :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` """ # Create a new sequence file instance sequence_file = SequenceFile(f_id) # Read any possible comments and store in file remarks while True: line = f_handle.readline().rstrip() if not line: continue elif V_RECORD.match(line): _ = V_RECORD.match(line).group(1) # sequence_file.add_remark(version) elif GF_RECORD.match(line) or GS_RECORD.match(line): break # Read the sequence record(s) while True: if GF_RECORD.match(line): ident = GF_RECORD.match(line).group(1)[:-3] sequence_entry = Sequence(ident, "") sequence_file.add(sequence_entry) elif GS_RECORD.match(line): ident, _, desc = GS_RECORD.match(line).groups() sequence_entry = Sequence(ident, "") sequence_entry.remark = desc sequence_file.add(sequence_entry) elif GR_RECORD.match(line): pass elif len(line.split()) == 2 and line.split()[0] in sequence_file: ident, seq = line.replace('.', '-').split() sequence_file[ident].seq = sequence_file[ident].seq + seq line = f_handle.readline().rstrip() # // char in alignment reached if END_RECORD.match(line): break return sequence_file
[docs] def write(self, f_handle, hierarchy): """Write a sequence file instance to to file Parameters ---------- f_handle Open file handle [write permissions] hierarchy : :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` or :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` """ # Double check the type of sequence_file and reconstruct if necessary sequence_file = self._reconstruct(hierarchy) f_handle.write("# STOCKHOLM 1.0" + os.linesep) f_handle.write("#=GF ID {ident}{ls}{ls}".format(, ls=os.linesep)) chunks = [] for i, sequence_entry in enumerate(sequence_file): if i != 0: f_handle.write( '#=GS {ident:33} DE {remark}{ls}'.format(, remark=" ".join(sequence_entry.remark), ls=os.linesep, ) ) # Cut the sequence into chunks [ <= 200 seq chars per line] chunk = [] sequence_string = sequence_entry.seq sequence_string = sequence_string.upper() # UPPER CASE !!! for j in range(0, sequence_entry.seq_len, 200): chunk.append(sequence_string[j:j + 200]) chunks.append(tuple([, chunk])) # Write the sequence out in chunks for j in range(len(chunks[0][1])): f_handle.write(os.linesep) for i in range(len(chunks)): f_handle.write( "{ident:41} {seq_chunk}{ls}".format( ident=chunks[i][0], seq_chunk=chunks[i][1][j], ls=os.linesep, ) ) f_handle.write("//" + os.linesep) return