Source code for conkit.core

# coding=utf-8
"""Core entities for hierarchy construction"""

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

__author__ = "Felix Simkovic"
__contributing_authors__ = "Jens Thomas"
__date__ = "03 Aug 2016"
__version__ = "0.2"

from Bio import pairwise2

import collections
import copy
import numpy as np
import operator

    import scipy.spatial
    SCIPY = True
except ImportError:
    SCIPY = False

    import sklearn.neighbors
    SKLEARN = True
except ImportError:
    SKLEARN = False

# ================================================
# Amino acid conversions
# ================================================
ONE_TO_THREE = {'A': 'ALA', 'C': 'CYS', 'B': 'ASX', 'E': 'GLU', 'D': 'ASP', 'G': 'GLY', 'F': 'PHE', 'I': 'ILE',
                'H': 'HIS', 'K': 'LYS', 'J': 'XLE', 'M': 'MET', 'L': 'LEU', 'O': 'PYL', 'N': 'ASN', 'Q': 'GLN',
                'P': 'PRO', 'S': 'SER', 'R': 'ARG', 'U': 'SEC', 'T': 'THR', 'W': 'TRP', 'V': 'VAL', 'Y': 'TYR',
                'X': 'XAA', 'Z': 'GLX'}

THREE_TO_ONE = {'ALA': 'A', 'ARG': 'R', 'ASN': 'N', 'ASP': 'D', 'CME': 'C', 'CYS': 'C', 'GLN': 'Q', 'GLU': 'E', 
                'GLY': 'G', 'HIS': 'H', 'ILE': 'I', 'LEU': 'L', 'LYS': 'K', 'MET': 'M', 'MSE': 'M', 'PHE': 'F', 
                'PRO': 'P', 'PYL': 'O', 'SER': 'S', 'SEC': 'U', 'THR': 'T', 'TRP': 'W', 'TYR': 'Y', 'VAL': 'V', 
                'ASX': 'B', 'GLX': 'Z', 'XAA': 'X', 'UNK': 'X', 'XLE': 'J'}

class _BandwidthEstimators(object):
    """A collection of bandwidth estimators for Kernel Density Estimation"""
    def amise(p, niterations=25, eps=1e-3):

        def curvature(p, x, w):
            z = (x - p) / w
            y = (1 * (z ** 2 - 1.0) * np.exp(-0.5 * z * z) / (w * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi)) / w ** 2).sum()
            return y / p.shape[0]

        def extended_range(mn, mx, bw, ext=3):
            return mn - ext * bw, mx + ext * bw

        def optimal_bandwidth_equation(p, default_bw):
            alpha = 1. / (2. * np.sqrt(np.pi))
            sigma = 1.0
            n = p.shape[0]
            q = stiffness_integral(p, default_bw)
            return default_bw - ((n * q * sigma ** 4) / alpha) ** (-1.0 / (p.shape[1] + 4))

        def stiffness_integral(p, default_bw, eps=1e-4):
            mn, mx = extended_range(p.min(), p.max(), default_bw, ext=3)
            n = 1
            dx = (mx - mn) / n
            yy = 0.5 * dx * (curvature(p, mn, default_bw) ** 2 +
                             curvature(p, mx, default_bw) ** 2)
            # The trapezoidal rule guarantees a relative error of better than eps
            # for some number of steps less than maxn.
            maxn = (mx - mn) / np.sqrt(eps)
            # Cap the total computation spent
            maxn = 2048 if maxn > 2048 else maxn
            n = 2
            while n <= maxn:
                dx /= 2.
                y = 0
                for i in np.arange(1, n, 2):
                    y += curvature(p, mn + i * dx, default_bw) ** 2
                yy = 0.5 * yy + y * dx
                if n > 8 and abs(y * dx - 0.5 * yy) < eps * yy:
                n *= 2
            return yy

        x0 = _BandwidthEstimators.bowman(p)
        y0 = optimal_bandwidth_equation(p, x0)

        x = 0.8 * x0
        y = optimal_bandwidth_equation(p, x)

        for _ in np.arange(niterations):
            x -= y * (x0 - x) / (y0 - y)
            y = optimal_bandwidth_equation(p, x)
            if abs(y) < (eps * y0):
        return x

    def bowman(p):
        sigma = np.sqrt((p ** 2).sum() / p.shape[0] - (p.sum() / p.shape[0]) ** 2)
        return sigma * ((((p.shape[1] + 2) * p.shape[0]) / 4.) ** (-1. / (p.shape[1] + 4)))

    def scott(p):
        sigma = np.minimum(
            np.std(p, axis=0, ddof=1),
            (np.percentile(p, 75) - np.percentile(p, 25)) / 1.349
        return 1.059 * sigma * p.shape[0] ** (-1. / (p.shape[1] + 4))

    def silverman(p):
        sigma = np.minimum(
            np.std(p, axis=0, ddof=1),
            (np.percentile(p, 75) - np.percentile(p, 25)) / 1.349
        return 0.9 * sigma * (p.shape[0] * (p.shape[1] + 2) / 4.) ** (-1. / (p.shape[1] + 4))

class _Gap(object):
    """A basic class representing a gap residue"""
    __slots__ = ('res_seq', 'res_altseq', 'res_name', 'res_chain')

    _IDENTIFIER = -999999

    def __init__(self):
        self.res_seq = _Gap._IDENTIFIER
        self.res_altseq = _Gap._IDENTIFIER
        self.res_name = 'X'
        self.res_chain = ''

    def __repr__(self):
        string = "{0}(res_seq='{1}' res_altseq='{2}' res_name='{3}' res_chain='{4}')"
        return string.format(
                self.__class__.__name__, self.res_seq, 
                self.res_altseq, self.res_name, self.res_chain

class _Residue(object):
    """A basic class representing a residue"""
    __slots__ = ('res_seq', 'res_altseq', 'res_name', 'res_chain')

    def __init__(self, res_seq, res_altseq, res_name, res_chain):
        self.res_seq = res_seq
        self.res_altseq = res_altseq
        self.res_name = res_name
        self.res_chain = res_chain

    def __repr__(self):
        string = "{0}(res_seq='{1}' res_altseq='{2}' res_name='{3}' res_chain='{4}')"
        return string.format(
                self.__class__.__name__, self.res_seq, 
                self.res_altseq, self.res_name, self.res_chain

class _Entity(object):
    """Base class for all entities used in this interface.

    It handles the storage of data. It also provides a high-efficiency
    methods to allow fast lookup and iterations of each entity. It also
    provides a hierarchical structure to remember parent and child

    id : str, list, tuple
       The ID of the selected entity
    full_id : tuple
       A traceback id including all parent classes
    parent : :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`
       An attribute to store the reference to the parent :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`
    child_list : list
       A list storing the child entities
    child_dict : dict
       A dictionary storing the child entities

    It is strongly advised against the use of the :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>` class directly.
    Instead, use one or more of the the remaining data models.

    __slots__ = ['_id', '_parent', '_child_list', '_child_dict']

    def __init__(self, id):
        """Initialise a generic :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`

        id : str, list, tuple
           The ID of the selected entity

        self._id = None
        self._parent = None
        self._child_list = []
        self._child_dict = {}

        # Assign values post creation to use setter/getter methods
        # Possibly very bad practice but no better alternative for now = id

    def __contains__(self, id):
        """True if there is a child element with the given id"""
        return id in self.child_dict

    def __delitem__(self, id):
        """Remove a child with given id"""
        child = self[id]
        child.parent = None

    def __getitem__(self, id):
        """Return the child with the given id"""
        if isinstance(id, slice):
            indexes_to_keep = list(range(*id.indices(len(self))))
            copy_to_return = self.copy()
            for i, child in enumerate(self):
                if i not in indexes_to_keep:
            return copy_to_return
        elif isinstance(id, int):
            return self.child_list[id]
            return self.child_dict[id]

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over children"""
        for child in self.child_list:
            yield child

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of children"""
        return len(self.child_list)

    def __reversed__(self):
        """Reversed list of the children"""
        for child in reversed(self.child_list):
            yield child

    def child_dict(self):
        """A dictionary storing the child entities"""
        return self._child_dict

    def child_dict(self, child_dict):
        """Define a dictionary storing the child entities

        child_dict : dict

        self._child_dict = child_dict

    def child_list(self):
        """A list storing the child entities"""
        return self._child_list

    def child_list(self, child_list):
        """Define a list storing the child entities

        child_list : dict

        self._child_list = child_list

    def full_id(self):
        """A traceback id including all parent classes

        The full id is a tuple containing all id's starting from
        the top object (:obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>`) down to the current object.
        A full id for a :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` e.g. is something like:
        ('1aa', 1, (1, 10))

        This corresponds to:

        :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` identifier => 1aaa
        :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` identifier => 1
        :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` identifier => (1, 10)

        traceback = []
        mother = self.parent
        while mother is not None:
            mother = mother.parent
        return tuple(reversed(traceback))

    def id(self):
        """The ID of the selected entity"""
        return self._id

    def id(self, id):
        """Set the ID of the selected entity

        id : str, list, tuple
           The unique ID for an :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`

        You cannot provide an :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` as ID.

        if isinstance(id, int) or isinstance(id, float):
            raise TypeError('Please provide data type of str, list, or tuple')
        elif isinstance(id, list):
            id = tuple(id)
        self._id = id

    def parent(self):
        """An attribute to store the reference to the parent :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`"""
        return self._parent

    def parent(self, parent):
        """Define the reference to the parent :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`

        parent : :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`

        self._parent = parent

    def _inplace(self, inplace):
        """Modify the current version using a copy

        inplace : bool

        if inplace:
            return self
            return self.copy()

    def _sort(self, kword, reverse):
        """Sort the :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`"""
        if any(not hasattr(e, kword) for e in self._child_list):
            raise ValueError('Attribute not defined')
        self.child_list.sort(key=operator.attrgetter(kword), reverse=reverse)

    def add(self, entity):
        """Add a child to the :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`

        entity : :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`

        if in self:
            raise ValueError("%s defined twice" % str(
        entity.parent = self
        self.child_dict[] = entity

    def copy(self):
        """Create a shallow copy of :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`"""
        shallow = copy.copy(self)

        shallow.child_list = []
        shallow.child_dict = {}
        shallow.parent = None

        for child in self:
        return shallow

    def deepcopy(self):
        """Create a deep copy of :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`"""
        deep = copy.deepcopy(self)

        deep.child_list = []
        deep.child_dict = {}
        deep.parent = None

        for child in self:
        return deep

    def remove(self, id):
        """Remove a child

        id : str, int, list, tuple

        If ``id`` is of type :obj:`int`, then the :obj:`Entity <conkit.core.Entity>`
        in the ``child_list`` at index ``id`` will be deleted

        del self[id]

[docs]class Contact(_Entity): """A contact pair template to store all associated information Attributes ---------- distance_bound : tuple The lower and upper distance boundary values of a contact pair in Ã…ngstrom [Default: 0-8Ã…]. id : str A unique identifier is_match : bool A boolean status for the contact is_mismatch : bool A boolean status for the contact is_unknown : bool A boolean status for the contact lower_bound : int The lower distance boundary value raw_score : float The prediction score for the contact pair res1 : str The amino acid of residue 1 [default: X] res2 : str The amino acid of residue 2 [default: X] res1_chain : str The chain for residue 1 res2_chain : str The chain for residue 2 res1_seq : int The residue sequence number of residue 1 res2_seq : int The residue sequence number of residue 2 res1_altseq : int The alternative residue sequence number of residue 1 res2_altseq : int The alternative residue sequence number of residue 2 scalar_score : float The raw_score scaled according to the average ``raw_score`` status : int An indication of the residue status, i.e true positive, false positive, or unknown upper_bound : int The upper distance boundary value weight : float A separate internal weight factor for the contact pair Examples -------- >>> from conkit.core import Contact >>> contact = Contact(1, 25, 1.0) >>> print(contact) Contact(id="(1, 25)" res1="A" res1_seq=1 res2="A" res2_seq=25 raw_score=1.0) """ __slots__ = ['_distance_bound', '_raw_score', '_res1', '_res2', '_res1_chain', '_res2_chain', '_res1_seq', '_res2_seq', '_res1_altseq', '_res2_altseq', '_scalar_score', '_status', '_weight'] _UNKNOWN = 0 _MISMATCH = -1 _MATCH = 1 def __init__(self, res1_seq, res2_seq, raw_score, distance_bound=(0, 8)): """Initialize a generic contact pair Parameters ---------- distance_bound : tuple, optional The lower and upper distance boundary values of a contact pair in Ã…ngstrom. Default is set to between 0.0 and 8.0 Ã…. raw_score : float The covariance score for the contact pair res1_seq : int The residue sequence number of residue 1 res2_seq : int The residue sequence number of residue 2 """ self._distance_bound = [0, 8] self._raw_score = 1.0 self._res1 = 'X' self._res2 = 'X' self._res1_chain = '' self._res2_chain = '' self._res1_seq = 0 self._res2_seq = 0 self._res1_altseq = 0 self._res2_altseq = 0 self._scalar_score = 0.0 self._status = Contact._UNKNOWN self._weight = 1.0 # Assign values post creation to use setter/getter methods # Possibly very bad practice but no better alternative for now self.distance_bound = distance_bound self.raw_score = raw_score self.res1_seq = res1_seq self.res2_seq = res2_seq super(Contact, self).__init__((res1_seq, res2_seq)) def __repr__(self): return "{0}(id=\"{1}\" res1=\"{2}\" res1_chain=\"{3}\" res1_seq={4} " \ "res2=\"{5}\" res2_chain=\"{6}\" res2_seq={7} raw_score={8})".format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.res1, self.res1_chain, self.res1_seq, self.res2, self.res2_chain, self.res2_seq, self.raw_score ) @property def distance_bound(self): """The lower and upper distance boundary values of a contact pair in Ã…ngstrom [Default: 0-8Ã…].""" return tuple(self._distance_bound) @distance_bound.setter def distance_bound(self, distance_bound): """Define the lower and upper distance boundary value Parameters ---------- distance_bound : list, tuple A 2-element list/tuple with a lower and upper distance boundary value """ if isinstance(distance_bound, tuple): self._distance_bound = list(distance_bound) elif isinstance(distance_bound, list): self._distance_bound = distance_bound else: raise TypeError("Data of type list or tuple required") @property def is_match(self): """A boolean status for the contact""" return True if self.status == Contact._MATCH else False @property def is_mismatch(self): """A boolean status for the contact""" return True if self.status == Contact._MISMATCH else False @property def is_unknown(self): """A boolean status for the contact""" return True if self.status == Contact._UNKNOWN else False @property def lower_bound(self): """The lower distance boundary value""" return self.distance_bound[0] @lower_bound.setter def lower_bound(self, value): """Set the lower distance boundary value Parameters ---------- value : int Raises ------ ValueError Lower bound must be positive ValueError Lower bound must be smaller than upper bound """ if value < 0: raise ValueError('Lower bound must be positive') elif value >= self.upper_bound: raise ValueError('Lower bound must be smaller than upper bound') self._distance_bound[0] = value @property def upper_bound(self): """The upper distance boundary value""" return self.distance_bound[1] @upper_bound.setter def upper_bound(self, value): """Set the upper distance boundary value Parameters ---------- value : int Raises ------ ValueError Upper bound must be positive ValueError Upper bound must be larger than lower bound """ if value < 0: raise ValueError('Upper bound must be positive') elif value <= self.lower_bound: raise ValueError('Upper bound must be larger than lower bound') self._distance_bound[1] = value @property def raw_score(self): """The prediction score for the contact pair""" return self._raw_score @raw_score.setter def raw_score(self, score): """Define the raw score Parameters ---------- score : float """ self._raw_score = float(score) @property def res1(self): """The amino acid of residue 1 [default: X]""" return self._res1 @res1.setter def res1(self, amino_acid): """Define the amino acid of residue 1 Parameters ---------- amino_acid : str The one- or three-letter code of an amino acid """ self._res1 = Contact._set_residue(amino_acid) @property def res2(self): """The amino acid of residue 2 [default: X]""" return self._res2 @res2.setter def res2(self, amino_acid): """Define the amino acid of residue 2 Parameters ---------- amino_acid : str The one- or three-letter code of an amino acid """ self._res2 = Contact._set_residue(amino_acid) @property def res1_altseq(self): """The alternative residue sequence number of residue 1""" return self._res1_altseq @res1_altseq.setter def res1_altseq(self, index): """Define the alternative residue 1 sequence index Parameters ---------- index : int """ # Keep this statement in case we get a float if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError('Data type int required for res_seq') self._res1_altseq = index @property def res2_altseq(self): """The alternative residue sequence number of residue 2""" return self._res2_altseq @res2_altseq.setter def res2_altseq(self, index): """Define the alternative residue 2 sequence index Parameters ---------- index : int """ # Keep this statement in case we get a float if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError('Data type int required for res_seq') self._res2_altseq = index @property def res1_chain(self): """The chain for residue 1""" return self._res1_chain @res1_chain.setter def res1_chain(self, chain): """Define the chain for residue 1 Parameters ---------- chain : str """ self._res1_chain = chain @property def res2_chain(self): """The chain for residue 2""" return self._res2_chain @res2_chain.setter def res2_chain(self, chain): """Define the chain for residue 2 Parameters ---------- chain : str """ self._res2_chain = chain @property def res1_seq(self): """The residue sequence number of residue 1""" return self._res1_seq @res1_seq.setter def res1_seq(self, index): """Define residue 1 sequence index Parameters ---------- index : int """ # Keep this statement in case we get a float if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError('Data type int required for res_seq') self._res1_seq = index @property def res2_seq(self): """The residue sequence number of residue 2""" return self._res2_seq @res2_seq.setter def res2_seq(self, index): """Define residue 2 sequence index Parameters ---------- index : int """ # Keep this statement in case we get a float if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError('Data type int required for res_seq') self._res2_seq = index @property def scalar_score(self): """The raw_score scaled according to the average :obj:`raw_score`""" return self._scalar_score @scalar_score.setter def scalar_score(self, score): """Set the scalar score Parameters ---------- score : float """ self._scalar_score = float(score) @property def status(self): """An indication of the residue status, i.e true positive, false positive, or unknown""" return self._status @status.setter def status(self, status): """Set the status Parameters ---------- status : int [0] for `unknown`, [-1] for `false positive`, or [1] for `true positive` Raises ------ ValueError Unknown status """ if any(i == status for i in [Contact._UNKNOWN, Contact._MISMATCH, Contact._MATCH]): self._status = status else: raise ValueError("Unknown status") @property def weight(self): """A separate internal weight factor for the contact pair""" return self._weight @weight.setter def weight(self, weight): """Define a separate internal weight factor for the contact pair Parameters ---------- weight : float, int """ self._weight = float(weight)
[docs] def define_match(self): """Define a contact as matching contact""" self._status = Contact._MATCH
[docs] def define_mismatch(self): """Define a contact as mismatching contact""" self._status = Contact._MISMATCH
[docs] def define_unknown(self): """Define a contact with unknown status""" self._status = Contact._UNKNOWN
def _to_dict(self): """Convert the object into a dictionary""" keys = ['id', 'is_match', 'is_mismatch', 'is_unknown', 'lower_bound', 'upper_bound'] \ + [k[1:] for k in self.__slots__] return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in keys} @staticmethod def _set_residue(amino_acid): """Assign the residue to the corresponding amino_acid""" # Check that the amino acid exists msg = "Unknown amino acid: {0}".format(amino_acid) # Keep if statements separate to avoid type error for int and str.upper() if not isinstance(amino_acid, str): raise ValueError(msg) _amino_acid = amino_acid.upper() if not (len(_amino_acid) == 1 or len(_amino_acid) == 3): raise ValueError(msg) elif len(_amino_acid) == 1 and _amino_acid not in list(THREE_TO_ONE.values()): raise ValueError(msg) elif len(_amino_acid) == 3 and _amino_acid not in list(THREE_TO_ONE.keys()): raise ValueError(msg) # Save the one-letter-code if len(_amino_acid) == 3: _amino_acid = THREE_TO_ONE[_amino_acid] return _amino_acid
[docs]class ContactMap(_Entity): """A contact map object representing a single prediction The :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` class represents a data structure to hold a single contact map prediction in one place. It contains functions to store, manipulate and organise :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` instances. Attributes ---------- coverage : float The sequence coverage score id : str A unique identifier ncontacts : int The number of :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` instances in the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` precision : float The precision (Positive Predictive Value) score repr_sequence : :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` The representative :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` associated with the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` repr_sequence_altloc : :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` The representative altloc :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` associated with the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` sequence : :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` The :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` associated with the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` top_contact : :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` The first :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` entry in :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` Examples -------- >>> from conkit.core import Contact, ContactMap >>> contact_map = ContactMap("example") >>> contact_map.add(Contact(1, 10, 0.333)) >>> contact_map.add(Contact(5, 30, 0.667)) >>> print(contact_map) ContactMap(id="example" ncontacts=2) """ __slots__ = ['_sequence'] def __init__(self, id): """Initialise a new contact map""" self._sequence = None super(ContactMap, self).__init__(id) def __repr__(self): return "{0}(id=\"{1}\", ncontacts={2})".format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.ncontacts ) @property def coverage(self): """The sequence coverage score The coverage score is calculated by analysing the number of residues covered by the predicted contact pairs. .. math:: Coverage=\\frac{x_{cov}}{L} The coverage score is calculated by dividing the number of contacts :math:`x_{cov}` by the number of residues in the sequence :math:`L`. Returns ------- cov : float The calculated coverage score See Also -------- precision """ seq_array = np.fromstring(self.repr_sequence.seq, dtype='uint8') gaps = np.where(seq_array == ord('-'), 1, 0) cov = (seq_array.size - np.sum(gaps, axis=0)) / seq_array.size return cov @property def ncontacts(self): """The number of :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` instances in the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` Returns ------- ncontacts : int The number of sequences in the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` """ return len(self) @property def precision(self): """The precision (Positive Predictive Value) score The precision value is calculated by analysing the true and false postive contacts. .. math:: Precision=\\frac{TruePositives}{TruePositives - FalsePositives} The status of each contact, i.e true or false positive status, can be determined by running the :func:`match` function providing a reference structure. Returns ------- ppv : float The calculated precision score See Also -------- coverage """ # ContactMap is empty if len(self) == 0: print('ContactMap is empty') return 0.0 unique, counts = np.unique(np.asarray([c.status for c in self]), return_counts=True) cdict = dict(zip(unique, counts)) fp_count = cdict[Contact._MISMATCH] if Contact._MISMATCH in cdict else 0.0 uk_count = cdict[Contact._UNKNOWN] if Contact._UNKNOWN in cdict else 0.0 tp_count = cdict[Contact._MATCH] if Contact._MATCH in cdict else 0.0 if fp_count == 0.0 and tp_count == 0.0: print("No matches or mismatches found in your contact map. Match two ContactMaps first.") return 0.0 elif uk_count > 0: print("Some contacts between the ContactMaps are unmatched due to non-identical " "sequences. The precision value might be inaccurate.") return tp_count / (tp_count + fp_count) @property def repr_sequence(self): """The representative :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` associated with the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The peptide sequence constructed from the available contacts using the normal res_seq positions Returns ------- sequence : :obj:`conkit.coreSequence` Raises ------ TypeError Sequence undefined See Also -------- repr_sequence_altloc, sequence """ if not isinstance(self.sequence, Sequence): raise TypeError('Define the sequence as Sequence() instance') # Get all resseqs that are the contact map res1_seqs, res2_seqs = list(zip(*[ for contact in self])) res_seqs = set( sorted(res1_seqs + res2_seqs) ) return self._construct_repr_sequence(list(res_seqs)) @property def repr_sequence_altloc(self): """The representative altloc :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` associated with the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The peptide sequence constructed from the available contacts using the altloc res_seq positions Returns ------- sequence : :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` Raises ------ ValueError Sequence undefined See Also -------- repr_sequence, sequence """ if not isinstance(self.sequence, Sequence): raise TypeError('Define the sequence as Sequence() instance') # Get all resseqs that are the contact map res1_seqs, res2_seqs = list(zip(*[(contact.res1_altseq, contact.res2_altseq) for contact in self])) res_seqs = set( sorted(res1_seqs + res2_seqs) ) return self._construct_repr_sequence(list(res_seqs)) @property def sequence(self): """The :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` associated with the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` Returns ------- :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` See Also -------- repr_sequence, repr_sequence_altloc """ return self._sequence @sequence.setter def sequence(self, sequence): """Associate a :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` instance with the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` Parameters ---------- sequence : :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` Raises ------ ValueError Incorrect hierarchy instance provided """ if not isinstance(sequence, Sequence): raise TypeError('Instance of Sequence() required: {0}'.format(sequence)) self._sequence = sequence @property def top_contact(self): """The first :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` entry in :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` Returns ------- top_contact : :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>`, None The first :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` entry in :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` """ if len(self) > 0: return self[0] else: return None def _construct_repr_sequence(self, res_seqs): """Construct the representative sequence""" # Determine which are present and which are not representative_sequence = '' for i in range(1, self.sequence.seq_len + 1): if i in res_seqs: representative_sequence += self.sequence.seq[i - 1] else: representative_sequence += '-' return Sequence( + '_repr', representative_sequence)
[docs] def assign_sequence_register(self, altloc=False): """Assign the amino acids from :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` to all :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` instances Parameters ---------- altloc : bool Use the res_altloc positions [default: False] """ for c in self: if altloc: res1_index, res2_index = c.res1_altseq, c.res2_altseq else: res1_index, res2_index = c.res1_seq, c.res2_seq c.res1 = self.sequence.seq[res1_index - 1] c.res2 = self.sequence.seq[res2_index - 1]
[docs] def calculate_jaccard_index(self, other): """Calculate the Jaccard index between two :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` instances This score analyzes the difference of the predicted contacts from two maps, .. math:: J_{x,y}=\\frac{\\left|x \\cap y\\right|}{\\left|x \\cup y\\right|} where :math:`x` and :math:`y` are the sets of predicted contacts from two different predictors, :math:`\\left|x \\cap y\\right|` is the number of elements in the intersection of :math:`x` and :math:`y`, and the :math:`\\left|x \\cup y\\right|` represents the number of elements in the union of :math:`x` and :math:`y`. The J-score has values in the range of :math:`[0, 1]`, with a value of :math:`1` corresponding to identical contact maps and :math:`0` to dissimilar ones. Parameters ---------- other : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` A ConKit :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` Returns ------- float The Jaccard distance See Also -------- match, precision Warnings -------- The Jaccard distance ranges from :math:`[0, 1]`, where :math:`1` means the maps contain identical contacts pairs. Notes ----- The Jaccard index is different from the Jaccard distance mentioned in [#]_. The Jaccard distance corresponds to :math:`1-Jaccard_{index}`. .. [#] Q. Wuyun, W. Zheng, Z. Peng, J. Yang (2016). A large-scale comparative assessment of methods for residue-residue contact prediction. *Briefings in Bioinformatics*, [doi: 10.1093/bib/bbw106]. """ intersection = np.sum([1 for contact in self if in other]) union = len(self) + np.sum([1 for contact in other if not in self]) # If self and other are both empty, we define J(x,y) = 1 if union == 0: return 1.0 return float(intersection) / union
[docs] def calculate_kernel_density(self, bw_method="amise"): """Calculate the contact density in the contact map using Gaussian kernels Various algorithms can be used to estimate the bandwidth. To calculate the bandwidth for an 1D data array ``X`` with ``n`` data points and ``d`` dimensions, the listed algorithms have been implemented. Please note, in rules 2 and 3, the value of :math:`\\sigma` is the smaller of the standard deviation of ``X`` or the normalized interquartile range. 1. Asymptotic Mean Integrated Squared Error (AMISE) This particular choice of bandwidth recovers all the important features whilst maintaining smoothness. It is a direct implementation of the method used by [#]_. 2. Bowman & Azzalini [#]_ implementation .. math:: \\sqrt{\\frac{\\sum{X}^2}{n}-(\\frac{\\sum{X}}{n})^2}*(\\frac{(d+2)*n}{4})^\\frac{-1}{d+4} 3. Scott's [#]_ implementation .. math:: 1.059*\\sigma*n^\\frac{-1}{d+4} 4. Silverman's [#]_ implementation .. math:: 0.9*\\sigma*(n*\\frac{d+2}{4})^\\frac{-1}{d+4} .. [#] Sadowski, M.I. (2013). Prediction of protein domain boundaries from inverse covariances. .. [#] Bowman, A.W. & Azzalini, A. (1997). Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis. .. [#] Scott, D.W. (1992). Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization. .. [#] Silverman, B.W. (1986). Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis. Parameters ---------- bw_method : str, optional The bandwidth estimator to use [default: amise_sekant] Returns ------- list The list of per-residue density estimates Raises ------ RuntimeError Cannot find SciKit package ValueError Undefined bandwidth method """ if not SKLEARN: raise RuntimeError('Cannot find SciKit package') # Compute the relevant data we need x = np.asarray([i for c in self for i in np.arange(c.res1_seq, c.res2_seq)])[:, np.newaxis] x_fit = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max() + 1, x.max() - x.min() + 1)[:, np.newaxis] # Obtain the bandwidth as defined by user method if bw_method == "amise": bandwidth = _BandwidthEstimators.amise(x) elif bw_method == "bowman": bandwidth = _BandwidthEstimators.bowman(x) elif bw_method == "scott": bandwidth = _BandwidthEstimators.scott(x) elif bw_method == "silverman": bandwidth = _BandwidthEstimators.silverman(x) else: msg = "Undefined bandwidth method: {0}".format(bw_method) raise ValueError(msg) # Estimate the Kernel Density using original data and fit random sample kde = sklearn.neighbors.KernelDensity(bandwidth=bandwidth).fit(x) return np.exp(kde.score_samples(x_fit)).tolist()
[docs] def calculate_scalar_score(self): """Calculate a scaled score for the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` This score is a scaled score for all raw scores in a contact map. It is defined by the formula .. math:: {x}'=\\frac{x}{\\overline{d}} where :math:`x` corresponds to the raw score of each predicted contact and :math:`\overline{d}` to the mean of all raw scores. The score is saved in a separate :obj:`Contact <conkit.core.Contact>` attribute called ``scalar_score`` This score is described in more detail in [#]_. .. [#] S. Ovchinnikov, L. Kinch, H. Park, Y. Liao, J. Pei, D.E. Kim, H. Kamisetty, N.V. Grishin, D. Baker (2015). Large-scale determination of previously unsolved protein structures using evolutionary information. *Elife* **4**, e09248. """ raw_scores = np.asarray([c.raw_score for c in self]) sca_scores = raw_scores / np.mean(raw_scores) for contact, sca_score in zip(self, sca_scores): contact.scalar_score = sca_score return
[docs] def find(self, indexes, altloc=False): """Find all contacts associated with ``index`` Parameters ---------- index : list, tuple A list of residue indexes to find altloc : bool Use the res_altloc positions [default: False] Returns ------- :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` A modified version of the contact map containing the found contacts """ contact_map = self.copy() for contact in self: if altloc and (contact.res1_altseq in indexes or contact.res2_altseq in indexes): continue elif contact.res1_seq in indexes or contact.res2_seq in indexes: continue else: contact_map.remove( return contact_map
[docs] def match(self, other, remove_unmatched=False, renumber=False, inplace=False): """Modify both hierarchies so residue numbers match one another. This function is key when plotting contact maps or visualising contact maps in 3-dimensional space. In particular, when residue numbers in the structure do not start at count 0 or when peptide chain breaks are present. Parameters ---------- other : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` A ConKit :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` remove_unmatched : bool, optional Remove all unmatched contacts [default: False] renumber : bool, optional Renumber the res_seq entries [default: False] If ``True``, ``res1_seq`` and ``res2_seq`` changes but ``id`` remains the same inplace : bool, optional Replace the saved order of contacts [default: False] Returns ------- hierarchy_mod :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` instance, regardless of inplace Raises ------ ValueError Error creating reliable keymap matching the sequence in :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` """ contact_map1 = self._inplace(inplace) contact_map2 = other._inplace(inplace) # ================================================================ # 1. Align all sequences # ================================================================ # Align both full sequences against each other aligned_sequences_full = contact_map1.sequence.align_local(contact_map2.sequence, id_chars=2, nonid_chars=1, gap_open_pen=-0.5, gap_ext_pen=-0.1) contact_map1_full_sequence, contact_map2_full_sequence = aligned_sequences_full # Align contact map 1 full sequences with representative sequence aligned_sequences_map1 = contact_map1_full_sequence.align_local(contact_map1.repr_sequence, id_chars=2, nonid_chars=1, gap_open_pen=-0.5, gap_ext_pen=-0.2, inplace=True) contact_map1_repr_sequence = aligned_sequences_map1[-1] # Align contact map 2 full sequences with __ALTLOC__ representative sequence aligned_sequences_map2 = contact_map2_full_sequence.align_local(contact_map2.repr_sequence_altloc, id_chars=2, nonid_chars=1, gap_open_pen=-0.5, gap_ext_pen=-0.2, inplace=True) contact_map2_repr_sequence = aligned_sequences_map2[-1] # Align both aligned representative sequences aligned_sequences_repr = contact_map1_repr_sequence.align_local(contact_map2_repr_sequence, id_chars=2, nonid_chars=1, gap_open_pen=-1.0, gap_ext_pen=-0.5, inplace=True) contact_map1_repr_sequence, contact_map2_repr_sequence = aligned_sequences_repr # ================================================================ # 2. Identify TPs in other, map them, and match them to self # ================================================================ # Encode the sequences to uint8 character arrays for easier and faster handling encoded_repr = np.asarray([ np.fromstring(contact_map1_repr_sequence.seq, dtype='uint8'), np.fromstring(contact_map2_repr_sequence.seq, dtype='uint8') ]) # Create mappings for both contact maps contact_map1_keymap = ContactMap._create_keymap(contact_map1) contact_map2_keymap = ContactMap._create_keymap(contact_map2, altloc=True) # Some checks msg = "Error creating reliable keymap matching the sequence in ContactMap: " if len(contact_map1_keymap) != np.where(encoded_repr[0] != ord('-'))[0].shape[0]: msg += raise ValueError(msg) elif len(contact_map2_keymap) != np.where(encoded_repr[1] != ord('-'))[0].shape[0]: msg += raise ValueError(msg) # Create a sequence matching keymap including deletions and insertions contact_map1_keymap = ContactMap._insert_states(encoded_repr[0], contact_map1_keymap) contact_map2_keymap = ContactMap._insert_states(encoded_repr[1], contact_map2_keymap) # Reindex the altseq positions to account for insertions/deletions contact_map1_keymap = ContactMap._reindex(contact_map1_keymap) contact_map2_keymap = ContactMap._reindex(contact_map2_keymap) # Adjust the res_altseq based on the insertions and deletions contact_map2 = ContactMap._adjust(contact_map2, contact_map2_keymap) # Get the residue list for matching UNKNOWNs residues_map2 = tuple(i+1 for i, a in enumerate(aligned_sequences_full[1].seq) if a != '-') # Adjust true and false positive statuses for contact in contact_map1: id = (contact.res1_seq, contact.res2_seq) id_alt = tuple(r.res_seq for r in contact_map2_keymap for i in id if i == r.res_altseq) if any(i == _Gap._IDENTIFIER for i in id_alt) and any(j not in residues_map2 for j in id): contact_map1[id].define_unknown() elif all(i in residues_map2 for i in id): if id_alt in contact_map2: contact_map1[id].define_match() else: contact_map1[id].define_mismatch() else: msg = "Error matching two contact maps - this should never happen" raise RuntimeError(msg) # ================================================================ # 3. Remove unmatched contacts # ================================================================ if remove_unmatched: for contact in contact_map1.copy(): if contact.is_unknown: contact_map1.remove( # ================================================================ # 4. Renumber the contact map 1 based on contact map 2 # ================================================================ if renumber: contact_map1 = ContactMap._renumber(contact_map1, contact_map1_keymap, contact_map2_keymap) return contact_map1
[docs] def remove_neighbors(self, min_distance=5, inplace=False): """Remove contacts between neighboring residues Parameters ---------- min_distance : int, optional The minimum number of residues between contacts [default: 5] inplace : bool, optional Replace the saved order of contacts [default: False] Returns ------- contact_map : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The reference to the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>`, regardless of inplace """ contact_map = self._inplace(inplace) for contact in contact_map.copy(): if abs(contact.res1_seq - contact.res2_seq) < min_distance: contact_map.remove( return contact_map
[docs] def rescale(self, inplace=False): """Rescale the raw scores in :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` Rescaling of the data is done to normalize the raw scores to be in the range [0, 1]. The formula to rescale the data is: .. math:: {x}'=\\frac{x-min(d)}{max(d)-min(d)} :math:`x` is the original value and :math:`d` are all values to be rescaled. Parameters ---------- inplace : bool, optional Replace the saved order of contacts [default: False] Returns ------- contact_map : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The reference to the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>`, regardless of inplace """ contact_map = self._inplace(inplace) raw_scores = np.asarray([c.raw_score for c in contact_map]) norm_raw_scores = (raw_scores - raw_scores.min()) / (raw_scores.max() - raw_scores.min()) # Important to not end up with raw scores == np.nan if np.isnan(norm_raw_scores).all(): norm_raw_scores = np.where(norm_raw_scores == np.isnan, 0, 1) for contact, norm_raw_score in zip(contact_map, norm_raw_scores): contact.raw_score = norm_raw_score return contact_map
[docs] def sort(self, kword, reverse=False, inplace=False): """Sort the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` Parameters ---------- kword : str The dictionary key to sort contacts by reverse : bool, optional Sort the contact pairs in descending order [default: False] inplace : bool, optional Replace the saved order of contacts [default: False] Returns ------- contact_map : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The reference to the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>`, regardless of inplace Raises ------ ValueError ``kword`` not in :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` """ contact_map = self._inplace(inplace) contact_map._sort(kword, reverse) return contact_map
@staticmethod def _adjust(contact_map, keymap): """Adjust res_altseq entries to insertions and deletions""" encoder = dict((x.res_seq, x.res_altseq) for x in keymap if isinstance(x, _Residue)) for contact in contact_map: if contact.res1_seq in list(encoder.keys()): contact.res1_altseq = encoder[contact.res1_seq] if contact.res2_seq in list(encoder.keys()): contact.res2_altseq = encoder[contact.res2_seq] return contact_map @staticmethod def _create_keymap(contact_map, altloc=False): """Create a simple keymap Parameters ---------- altloc : bool Use the res_altloc positions [default: False] Returns ------- list A list of residue mappings """ contact_map_keymap = collections.OrderedDict() for contact in contact_map: pos1 = _Residue(contact.res1_seq, contact.res1_altseq, contact.res1, contact.res1_chain) pos2 = _Residue(contact.res2_seq, contact.res2_altseq, contact.res2, contact.res2_chain) if altloc: res1_index, res2_index = contact.res1_altseq, contact.res2_altseq else: res1_index, res2_index = contact.res1_seq, contact.res2_seq contact_map_keymap[res1_index] = pos1 contact_map_keymap[res2_index] = pos2 contact_map_keymap_sorted = sorted(list(contact_map_keymap.items()), key=lambda x: int(x[0])) return list(zip(*contact_map_keymap_sorted))[1] @staticmethod def _find_single(contact_map, index): """Find all contacts associated with ``index`` based on id property""" for c in contact_map: if[0] == index or[1] == index: yield c @staticmethod def _insert_states(sequence, keymap): """Create a sequence matching keymap including deletions and insertions""" it = iter(keymap) keymap_ = [] for amino_acid in sequence: if amino_acid == ord('-'): keymap_.append(_Gap()) else: keymap_.append(next(it)) return keymap_ @staticmethod def _reindex(keymap): """Reindex a key map""" for i, residue in enumerate(keymap): residue.res_altseq = i + 1 return keymap @staticmethod def _renumber(contact_map, self_keymap, other_keymap): """Renumber the contact map based on the mapping of self and other keymaps""" for self_residue, other_residue in zip(self_keymap, other_keymap): if isinstance(self_residue, _Gap): continue for contact in ContactMap._find_single(contact_map, self_residue.res_seq): # Make sure we check with the ID, which doesn't change if[0] == self_residue.res_altseq: contact.res1_seq = other_residue.res_seq contact.res1_chain = other_residue.res_chain elif[1] == self_residue.res_altseq: contact.res2_seq = other_residue.res_seq contact.res2_chain = other_residue.res_chain else: raise ValueError('Should never get here') return contact_map
[docs]class ContactFile(_Entity): """A contact file object representing a single prediction file The contact file class represents a data structure to hold all predictions with a single contact map file. It contains functions to store, manipulate and organise contact maps. Attributes ---------- author : str The author of the :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` method : list, str The :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>`-specific method remark : list, str The :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>`-specific remarks target : str The target name top_map : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The first :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` entry in :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` Examples -------- >>> from conkit.core import ContactMap, ContactFile >>> contact_file = ContactFile("example") >>> contact_file.add(ContactMap("foo")) >>> contact_file.add(ContactMap("bar")) >>> print(contact_file) ContactFile(id="example" nseqs=2) """ __slots__ = ['_author', '_method', '_remark', '_target'] def __init__(self, id): """Initialise a new contact map Parameters ---------- id : str A unique identifier for the contact file """ self._author = None self._method = [] self._remark = [] self._target = None super(ContactFile, self).__init__(id) def __repr__(self): return "{0}(id=\"{1}\" nmaps={2})".format( self.__class__.__name__,, len(self) ) @property def author(self): """The author of the :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>`""" return self._author @author.setter def author(self, author): """Define the author of the :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` Parameters ---------- author : str """ self._author = author @property def method(self): """The :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>`-specific method""" return self._method @method.setter def method(self, method): """Set the :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` method Parameters ---------- method : str, list The method will be added to the list of methods """ if isinstance(method, list): self._method += method elif isinstance(method, tuple): self._method += list(method) else: self._method += [method] @property def remark(self): """The :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>`-specific remarks""" return self._remark @remark.setter def remark(self, remark): """Set the :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` remark Parameters ---------- remark : str, list The remark will be added to the list of remarks """ if isinstance(remark, list): self._remark += remark elif isinstance(remark, tuple): self._remark += list(remark) else: self._remark += [remark] @property def target(self): """The target name""" return self._target @target.setter def target(self, target): """Define the target name Parameters ---------- target : str """ self._target = target @property def top_map(self): """The first :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` entry in :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` Returns ------- top_map : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>`, None The first :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` entry in :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` """ if len(self) > 0: return self[0] else: return None
[docs] def sort(self, kword, reverse=False, inplace=False): """Sort the :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` Parameters ---------- kword : str The dictionary key to sort contacts by reverse : bool, optional Sort the contact pairs in descending order [default: False] inplace : bool, optional Replace the saved order of contacts [default: False] Returns ------- contact_map : :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>` The reference to the :obj:`ContactMap <conkit.core.ContactMap>`, regardless of inplace Raises ------ ValueError ``kword`` not in :obj:`ContactFile <conkit.core.ContactFile>` """ contact_file = self._inplace(inplace) contact_file._sort(kword, reverse) return contact_file
[docs]class Sequence(_Entity): """A sequence template to store all associated information Attributes ---------- id : str A unique identifier remark : list The :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>`-specific remarks seq : str The protein sequence as :obj:`str` seq_len : int The protein sequence length Examples -------- >>> from conkit.core import Sequence >>> sequence_entry = Sequence("example", "ABCDEF") >>> print(sequence_entry) Sequence(id="example" seq="ABCDEF" seqlen=6) """ __slots__ = ['_remark', '_seq'] def __init__(self, id, seq): """Initialise a generic sequence Parameters ---------- id : str A unique sequence identifier seq : str The protein sequence """ self._remark = [] self._seq = None # Assign values post creation to use setter/getter methods # Possibly very bad practice but no better alternative for now self.seq = seq super(Sequence, self).__init__(id) def __add__(self, other): """Concatenate two sequence instances to a new""" id = + '_' + seq = self.seq + other.seq return Sequence(id, seq) def __repr__(self): if self.seq_len > 12: seq_string = self.seq[:5] + '...' + self.seq[-5:] else: seq_string = self.seq return "{0}(id=\"{1}\" seq=\"{2}\" seq_len={3})".format( self.__class__.__name__,, seq_string, len(self.seq) ) @property def remark(self): """The :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>`-specific remarks""" return self._remark @remark.setter def remark(self, remark): """Set the :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` remark Parameters ---------- remark : str, list The remark will be added to the list of remarks """ if isinstance(remark, list): self._remark += remark elif isinstance(remark, tuple): self._remark += list(remark) else: self._remark += [remark] @property def seq(self): """The protein sequence as :obj:`str`""" return self._seq @seq.setter def seq(self, seq): """Set the sequence Parameters ---------- seq : str Raises ------ ValueError One or more amino acids in the sequence are not recognised """ if any(c not in list(ONE_TO_THREE.keys()) for c in seq.upper() if c != '-'): raise ValueError('Unrecognized amino acids in sequence') self._seq = seq @property def seq_len(self): """The protein sequence length""" return len(self.seq)
[docs] def align_global(self, other, id_chars=2, nonid_chars=1, gap_open_pen=-0.5, gap_ext_pen=-0.1, inplace=False): """Generate a global alignment between two :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` instances Parameters ---------- other : :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` id_chars : int, optional nonid_chars : int, optional gap_open_pen : float, optional gap_ext_pen : float, optional inplace : bool, optional Replace the saved order of residues [default: False] Returns ------- :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` The reference to the :obj:`Sequence`, regardless of inplace :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` The reference to the :obj:`Sequence`, regardless of inplace """ sequence1 = self._inplace(inplace) sequence2 = other._inplace(inplace) alignment = pairwise2.align.globalms( sequence1.seq, sequence2.seq, id_chars, nonid_chars, gap_open_pen, gap_ext_pen ) sequence1.seq = alignment[-1][0] sequence2.seq = alignment[-1][1] return sequence1, sequence2
[docs] def align_local(self, other, id_chars=2, nonid_chars=1, gap_open_pen=-0.5, gap_ext_pen=-0.1, inplace=False): """Generate a local alignment between two :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` instances Parameters ---------- other : :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` id_chars : int, optional nonid_chars : int, optional gap_open_pen : float, optional gap_ext_pen : float, optional inplace : bool, optional Replace the saved order of residues [default: False] Returns ------- :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` The reference to the :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>`, regardless of inplace :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` The reference to the :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>`, regardless of inplace """ sequence1 = self._inplace(inplace) sequence2 = other._inplace(inplace) alignment = pairwise2.align.localms( sequence1.seq, sequence2.seq, id_chars, nonid_chars, gap_open_pen, gap_ext_pen ) sequence1.seq = alignment[-1][0] sequence2.seq = alignment[-1][1] return sequence1, sequence2
[docs]class SequenceFile(_Entity): """A sequence file object representing a single sequence file The :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` class represents a data structure to hold :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` instances in a single sequence file. It contains functions to store and analyze sequences. Attributes ---------- id : str A unique identifier is_alignment : bool A boolean status for the alignment nseqs : int The number of sequences in the :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` remark : list The :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>`-specific remarks status : int An indication of the sequence file, i.e alignment, no alignment, or unknown top_sequence : :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>`, None The first :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` entry in the file Examples -------- >>> from conkit.core import Sequence, SequenceFile >>> sequence_file = SequenceFile("example") >>> sequence_file.add(Sequence("foo", "ABCDEF")) >>> sequence_file.add(Sequence("bar", "ZYXWVU")) >>> print(sequence_file) SequenceFile(id="example" nseqs=2) """ __slots__ = ['_remark', '_status'] _UNKNOWN = 0 _NO_ALIGNMENT = -1 _YES_ALIGNMENT = 1 def __init__(self, id): """Initialise a new :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` Parameters ---------- id : str A unique identifier for the sequence file """ self._remark = [] self._status = SequenceFile._UNKNOWN super(SequenceFile, self).__init__(id) def __repr__(self): return "{0}(id=\"{1}\" nseqs={2})".format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.nseqs ) @property def is_alignment(self): """A boolean status for the alignment Returns ------- bool A boolean status for the alignment """ seq_length = self.top_sequence.seq_len self.status = SequenceFile._YES_ALIGNMENT for sequence in self: if sequence.seq_len != seq_length: self.status = SequenceFile._NO_ALIGNMENT break return True if self.status == SequenceFile._YES_ALIGNMENT else False @property def nseqs(self): """The number of :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` instances in the :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` Returns ------- int The number of sequences in the :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` """ return len(self) @property def remark(self): """The :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>`-specific remarks""" return self._remark @remark.setter def remark(self, remark): """Set the :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` remark Parameters ---------- remark : str, list The remark will be added to the list of remarks """ if isinstance(remark, list): self._remark += remark elif isinstance(remark, tuple): self._remark += list(remark) else: self._remark += [remark] @property def status(self): """An indication of the residue status, i.e true positive, false positive, or unknown""" return self._status @status.setter def status(self, status): """Set the status Parameters ---------- status : int [0] for `unknown`, [-1] for `no alignment`, or [1] for `alignment` Raises ------ ValueError Cannot determine if your sequence file is an alignment or not """ if any(i == status for i in [SequenceFile._UNKNOWN, SequenceFile._NO_ALIGNMENT, SequenceFile._YES_ALIGNMENT]): self._status = status else: raise ValueError("Cannot determine if your sequence file is an alignment or not") @property def top_sequence(self): """The first :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` entry in :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` Returns ------- :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>`, None The first :obj:`Sequence <conkit.core.Sequence>` entry in :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` """ if len(self) > 0: return self[0] else: return None
[docs] def calculate_meff(self, identity=0.7): """Calculate the number of effective sequences This function calculates the number of effective sequences (`Meff`) in the Multiple Sequence Alignment. The mathematical function used to calculate `Meff` is .. math:: M_{eff}=\\sum_{i}\\frac{1}{\\sum_{j}S_{i,j}} Parameters ---------- identity : float, optional The sequence identity to use for similarity decision [default: 0.7] Returns ------- int The number of effective sequences Raises ------ MemoryError Too many sequences in the alignment for Hamming distance calculation RuntimeError SciPy package not installed ValueError :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` is not an alignment ValueError Sequence Identity needs to be between 0 and 1 """ if not SCIPY: raise RuntimeError('Cannot find SciPy package') if not self.is_alignment: raise ValueError('This is not an alignment') if identity < 0 or identity > 1: raise ValueError("Sequence Identity needs to be between 0 and 1") # Alignment to unsigned integer matrix msa_mat = np.asarray( [np.fromstring(sequence_entry.seq, dtype=np.uint8) for sequence_entry in self], dtype=np.uint8 ) # Pre-define some variables n = msa_mat.shape[0] # size of the data batch_size = min(n, 250) # size of the batches hamming = np.zeros(n, # storage for data # Separate the distance calculations into batches to avoid MemoryError exceptions. # This answer was provided by a StackOverflow user. The corresponding suggestion by # user @WarrenWeckesser: num_full_batches, last_batch = divmod(n, batch_size) batches = [batch_size] * num_full_batches if last_batch != 0: batches.append(last_batch) for k, batch in enumerate(batches): i = batch_size * k dists = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(msa_mat[i:i+batch], msa_mat, metric='hamming') hamming[i:i+batch] = (dists < (1 - identity)).sum(axis=1) return (1. / hamming).sum().astype(int).item()
[docs] def calculate_freq(self): """Calculate the gap frequency in each alignment column This function calculates the frequency of gaps at each position in the Multiple Sequence Alignment. Returns ------- list A list containing the per alignment-column amino acid frequency count Raises ------ MemoryError Too many sequences in the alignment RuntimeError :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` is not an alignment """ if not self.is_alignment: raise ValueError('This is not an alignment') msa_mat = np.asarray( [np.fromstring(sequence_entry.seq, dtype='uint8') for sequence_entry in self], dtype='uint8' ) # matrix of 0s and 1s; 1 if char is '-' aa_frequencies = np.where(msa_mat != 45, 1, 0) # sum all values per row aa_counts = np.sum(aa_frequencies, axis=0) # divide all by sequence length return (aa_counts / len(msa_mat[:, 0])).tolist()
[docs] def sort(self, kword, reverse=False, inplace=False): """Sort the :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` Parameters ---------- kword : str The dictionary key to sort sequences by reverse : bool, optional Sort the sequences in reverse order [default: False] inplace : bool, optional Replace the saved order of sequences [default: False] Returns ------- :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` The reference to the :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>`, regardless of inplace Raises ------ ValueError ``kword`` not in :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` """ sequence_file = self._inplace(inplace) sequence_file._sort(kword, reverse) return sequence_file
[docs] def trim(self, start, end, inplace=False): """Trim the :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` Parameters ---------- start : int First residue to include end : int Final residue to include inplace : bool, optional Replace the saved order of sequences [default: False] Returns ------- :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>` The reference to the :obj:`SequenceFile <conkit.core.SequenceFile>`, regardless of inplace """ sequence_file = self._inplace(inplace) if not self.is_alignment: raise ValueError('This is not an alignment') i, j = start-1, end for sequence in sequence_file: sequence.seq = sequence.seq[i:j] return sequence_file