Source code for

Parser module specific to bbcontacts predictions

__author__ = "Felix Simkovic"
__date__ = "26 Oct 2016"
__version__ = 0.1

from conkit.core import Contact
from conkit.core import ContactMap
from conkit.core import ContactFile
from import _ContactFileParser

import re

RE_COMMENT = re.compile(r'^#+.*$')

[docs]class BbcontactsParser(_ContactFileParser): """Class to parse a Bbcontacts contact file """ def __init__(self): super(BbcontactsParser, self).__init__()
[docs] def read(self, f_handle, f_id="bbcontacts"): """Read a contact file Parameters ---------- f_handle Open file handle [read permissions] f_id : str, optional Unique contact file identifier Returns ------- :obj:`conkit.core.ContactFile` """ contact_file = ContactFile(f_id) contact_map = ContactMap("map_1") contact_file.add(contact_map) for line in f_handle: line = line.rstrip() if not line: continue elif RE_COMMENT.match(line): continue else: # bbcontacts reverse residue numbering so swap _, _, _, raw_score, _, _, res2_seq, res1_seq = line.split() contact = Contact(int(res1_seq), int(res2_seq), float(raw_score)) contact_map.add(contact) contact_file.method = 'Contact map predicted using Bbcontacts' return contact_file
[docs] def write(self, f_handle, hierarchy): """Write a contact file instance to to file Parameters ---------- f_handle Open file handle [write permissions] hierarchy : :obj:`conkit.core.ContactFile`, :obj:`conkit.core.ContactMap` or :obj:`conkit.core.Contact` Notes ----- Creating a :func`write` function for the Bbcontacts parser would come with a lot of issues, such as the parallel/antiparallel direction, scoring etc. Thus, no :func:`write` method is available. Raises ------ RuntimeError Not available """ raise RuntimeError('Not available')