Source code for

Parser module specific to CASP-RR predictions

__author__ = "Felix Simkovic"
__date__ = "03 Aug 2016"
__version__ = "1.0"

from conkit.core import Contact
from conkit.core import ContactFile
from conkit.core import ContactMap
from conkit.core import Sequence
from import _ContactFileParser

import collections
import os
import re

# Credits to Stefan Seemayer - bits taken from PyMOL-RR
RE_PRFMAT = re.compile(r'PFRMAT\s+(RR)\s*$')
RE_TARGET = re.compile(r'^TARGET\s+(.*?)\s*$')
RE_AUTHOR = re.compile(r'^AUTHOR\s+(.*?)\s*$')
RE_REMARK = re.compile(r'^REMARK\s+(.*?)\s*$')
RE_METHOD = re.compile(r'^METHOD\s+(.*?)\s*$')
RE_MODEL = re.compile(r'^MODEL\s+(\w+)\s*$')
RE_SEQ = re.compile(r'^([A-Za-z\-]+)$')
RE_SPLIT = re.compile(r'\s+')
RE_RES = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)')
RE_ENDMDL = re.compile(r'^ENDMDL\s*$')
RE_END = re.compile(r'^END\s*$')

# Intermediate storage structures
ModelTemplate = collections.namedtuple('Model', ['id', 'contacts', 'sequence'])
ContactTemplate = collections.namedtuple('Contact', ['res1_seq', 'res2_seq', 'lb', 'ub', 'raw_score',
                                                     'res1_chain', 'res2_chain', 'res1_altseq', 'res2_altseq'])

[docs]class CaspParser(_ContactFileParser): """Parser class for CASP RR contact prediction file """ def __init__(self): super(CaspParser, self).__init__()
[docs] def read(self, f_handle, f_id="casp"): """Read a contact file into a :obj:`conkit.core.ContactFile` instance Parameters ---------- f_handle Open file handle [read permissions] f_id : str, optional Unique contact file identifier Returns ------- :obj:`conkit.core.ContactFile` """ lines = [l.strip() for l in f_handle.readlines()] contact_file = ContactFile(f_id) it = iter(lines) while True: try: line = next(it) except StopIteration: break if RE_PRFMAT.match(line): continue elif RE_TARGET.match(line): contact_file.remark = RE_TARGET.match(line).group(1) elif RE_AUTHOR.match(line): = RE_AUTHOR.match(line).group(1) elif RE_REMARK.match(line): contact_file.remark = RE_REMARK.match(line).group(1) elif RE_METHOD.match(line): contact_file.method = RE_METHOD.match(line).group(1) elif RE_MODEL.match(line): contact_map = ContactMap(RE_MODEL.match(line).group(1)) seq_chunks = [] while True: try: line = next(it) except StopIteration: break if not line: break if RE_ENDMDL.match(line): break elif RE_END.match(line): break elif RE_SEQ.match(line): seq_chunks.append(line) else: res1_entry, res2_entry, lb, ub, raw_score = RE_SPLIT.split(line) # Split in case we have chain in inter-molecular scenarios res1_split = RE_RES.split(res1_entry) if len(res1_split) == 1: res1_chain, res1_seq = '', res1_split[0] elif len(res1_split) == 4: res1_chain, res1_seq = res1_split[1], res1_split[2] res2_split = RE_RES.split(res2_entry) if len(res2_split) == 1: res2_chain, res2_seq = '', res2_split[0] elif len(res2_split) == 4: res2_chain, res2_seq = res2_split[1], res2_split[2] contact = Contact(int(res1_seq), int(res2_seq), float(raw_score), distance_bound=(int(lb), int(ub))) contact.res1_chain = res1_chain contact.res2_chain = res2_chain contact.res1_altseq = int(res1_seq) contact.res2_altseq = int(res2_seq) contact_map.add(contact) if seq_chunks: seq = "".join(seq_chunks) sequence = Sequence('seq_{0}'.format(, seq) contact_map.sequence = sequence contact_map.assign_sequence_register() contact_file.add(contact_map) elif RE_END.match(line): break else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized line type. Please report this issue') return contact_file
[docs] def write(self, f_handle, hierarchy): """Write a contact file instance to to file Parameters ---------- f_handle Open file handle [write permissions] hierarchy : :obj:`conkit.core.ContactFile`, :obj:`conkit.core.ContactMap` or :obj:`conkit.core.Contact` """ # Double check the type of hierarchy and reconstruct if necessary contact_file = self._reconstruct(hierarchy) f_handle.write("PFRMAT RR" + os.linesep) if f_handle.write("TARGET {0}".format( + os.linesep) if f_handle.write("AUTHOR {0}".format( + os.linesep) if contact_file.remark: for remark in contact_file.remark: f_handle.write("REMARK {0}".format(remark) + os.linesep) if contact_file.method: for method in contact_file.method: f_handle.write("METHOD {0}".format(method) + os.linesep) for contact_map in contact_file: f_handle.write("MODEL {0}".format( + os.linesep) if isinstance(contact_map.sequence, Sequence): sequence = contact_map.sequence for i in range(0, sequence.seq_len, 50): f_handle.write(sequence.seq[i:i+50] + os.linesep) # Casp Roll format specifies raw scores to be in [0, 1] if any(c.raw_score > 1.0 or c.raw_score < 0.0 for c in contact_map): contact_map.rescale(inplace=True) for contact in contact_map: s = '{res1_chain: <}{res1_seq: <4} {res2_chain: <}{res2_seq:<4} {lb: <3} {ub: <3} {raw_score: <.6f}' if contact.res1_chain == contact.res2_chain: res1_chain = res2_chain = "" else: res1_chain = contact.res1_chain res2_chain = contact.res2_chain s = s.format(res1_chain=res1_chain, res1_seq=contact.res1_seq, res2_chain=res2_chain, res2_seq=contact.res2_seq, lb=contact.distance_bound[0], ub=contact.distance_bound[1], raw_score=contact.raw_score) f_handle.write(s + os.linesep) f_handle.write("ENDMDL" + os.linesep) f_handle.write("END" + os.linesep) return