Simple contact cmap plotting 1
This script contains a simple example of how you can plot
contact cmaps using ConKit
import conkit.io
import conkit.plot
# Define the input variables
sequence_file = "toxd/toxd.fasta"
sequence_format = "fasta"
contact_file = "toxd/toxd.mat"
contact_format = "ccmpred"
# Create ConKit hierarchies
# Note, we only need the first Sequence/ContactMap
# from each file
seq = conkit.io.read(sequence_file, sequence_format).top
conpred = conkit.io.read(contact_file, contact_format).top
# Assign the sequence register to your contact prediction
conpred.sequence = seq
# Then we can plot the cmap
fig = conkit.plot.ContactMapMatrixFigure(cmap)